WARNING: Limited Space Available For This Live Webinar. Claim Your Spot Now! This Event Will Sell Out.

Never Again Walk Your Streets In Fear!

The Defeating Weapons Attacks Webinar Will Help You Save Your Own Life In The Event That You Are Facing An Armed Attacker…

The government and media originally intended to fight for the little guy (us), and they used to do this… but not anymore.

We are breaking into two different Americas.

And the goal of the government and media is to make it red states vs. blue states so we end up fighting each other…

But the reality is that it’s the Elites against the rest of us.

They do everything to further immobilize us… making it ever more difficult for you to protect yourself, your family, or your business…

They focus their considerable influence to make us hate each other, so that way we ignore all the privileges they amassed for themselves, their families and their business interests.

They plan to take our second amendment away… yet these government and media elites live in secure areas and have their personal security teams with guns.

But you don’t get that…

You are on your own when it comes to protecting yourself and your family.

And the truth is, this isn’t about politics…

This is about your right to be able to protect yourself and your family.

What most people don’t realize when a violent attack strikes you is how it affects you…

It makes you feel powerless…

It dehumanizes you…

To the attacker, you are not a person… you are a barrier to what they want.

You’re no longer able to enjoy the freedoms of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

You’re abandoned and are now at the thumb of these thugs and predators.

In moments like this… there is no government or news to protect you… there is only you and your brain.

And you MUST know how to protect yourself and your loved ones to survive those unthinkable moments of a violent attack…

This is why I must share with you the information you need to protect yourself and your family…

Introducing the:

This is THE Complete Guide To Saving Your Life When Facing A Knife,Club, Gun, Or Other Deadly Attack.

Hi, I’m Tim Larkin, and I am the founder of the most devastatingly powerful, scientifically-proven self-defense system in the world… Target Focus Training.

After years of extensive research, testing, and training… I am finally releasing a completely new and different live webinar that focuses on DEFEATING weapon attacks… not just surviving them!

This live webinar is nothing like you ever experienced before when it comes to self-defense…

“Defeating Weapons Attacks” is the first Live Webinar where I highlight the little known fact that even most counter-terrorism operators got wrong…and when you understand how to access these two weapons systems… you will never be unarmed.

And I am going to go through it with you…LIVE!

Yes, I am going to devote 3 hours over 3 days to go through this course with you LIVE!

The 3 hour long live webinars of the Defeating Weapons Attacks course will take place at 4PM PST Monday, February 15th through Wednesday, February 17th.

If you can’t make the live event, I will personally send you the webinars’ recordings so you won’t miss out on anything.

When you learn the Defeating Weapons system… you learn it empty-handed, which means the only weapon you have to use is your brain… This approach teaches you to ignore the weapon pointed at you… and instead, focus on the real threat in an armed attack… your attacker’s brain.

I want to show you the three key concepts that make Defeating Weapon Attacks, unlike anything I’ve shown before…

Three Key Concepts In Defeating Weapon Attacks That Keeps You Two-Steps Ahead Of Your Attacker…

#1: Universal Training Principles

When faced with an attacker who uses either a fist, knife, baton, or firearm to threaten your life… most people think you have to use different tactics and strategies to disarm and stop the attacker.

This couldn’t be further from the truth…

No matter what the attackers try to use on you… there is one unifying principle that takes out the attacker, so he can’t continue…


Instead of having to sort through an encyclopedia of knife defenses, hand-to-hand combat techniques, and gun disarms… you only have to know one thing.

How to injure the attacker so they can’t continue…

Click on the quick video clip below to see how no matter what the attacker has… you use the same principles to cause injury and survive…

#2: Matching Training to Your Skill Level

“Defeating Weapons Attacks” offers stair-stepped progressions so you use the teachings right away instead of having to master them.

We have a specific module you learn called the “The 27 coordination sets”…

These lessons are arranged in an easy-to-follow series of progressions…

1. Foundation (basic lessons anyone can do)
2. Challenge (lessons requiring the development of minor coordination skills)
3. Expert (the highest level of execution, showcasing advanced coordination, rhythm, and timing).

This gives you the material you can use immediately… as well as a roadmap for future training to increase your skill.

#3: The Introduction of “Moving Targets”

Injuring a man who’s taking a swing at you requires a much higher-order skillset…

One that’s taken years to finalize into a trainable stair-step process… and NOW I created a method to show you how to deal with moving targets using the same fundamental principles.

You’ll be right there as we look at how that attempted swing at you is actually an advantage for you… and how to injure the moving attacker, take their balance from them, and then use it for further injury.

And the beautiful thing is that none of the fundamentals are altered — it’s all still ATTACK & INJURE… just applied to solve a new problem.

This new stair-step process allows you to dramatically transform yourself from being defensive to offensive…even when you’re NOT the first to move!

Here’s Exactly What’s in the Defeating Weapons Course:

Part 1: Weapons And Vectors Introduction

What’s the main difference between the UFC and street violence? One word…


The UFC has specific rules put in place to keep their athletes safe. In the real world, there are no rules…

For example, in the UFC, you cannot attack your opponent in the groin area (or, as we might say, the nuts).

Nothing is off-limits in the real world, and that groin strike could be the difference between life or death when faced with imminent violence.

From the start, Defeating Weapons Attacks clearly shows what dealing with “real” violence is all about. I offer specific examples of what it’s like to be in actual life-or-death situations.

These are the types of situations our government and media won’t talk about and ignore…

To understand what “real” violence is, you MUST understand Vectors…

Vectors are imaginary lines of force that intersect our bodies that we do not want to cross.

For example… if a thug is pointing a gun at your chest…

The “vector” is the imaginary straight line from the end of the gun barrel to your chest.

It’s apparent that you don’t want to be at the end of that vector, but having a clear understanding of this concept is critical in surviving a violent encounter.

Part 2: Knifes, Batons, & Firearms

The second portion of Defeating Weapons Attacks covers knives, batons, and firearms… but in a completely different process than before.

I show you how to protect yourself against an…

Each at full and slow-speed!

Then… I show you a side-by-side sequence of 4 videos in 1… where all four videos are playing at one time (Similar to the video above) to demonstrate how no matter what object is thrown your way, the principles and technique remain the same.

It’s something I’ve never done before… but you’ll agree that it clearly shows what it means to use the exact same response regardless of the tool you face!

Defeating Weapons Attacks: Live Webinar is the most effective package I’ve offered in any training environment.

Here’s Whats Included With This Package:

#1: Defeating Weapon Attacks Online Course ($247 value)

Lifetime Access to The Defeating Weapon Attacks Online course, so you use it for reference as we go through the webinar.

#2: A Digital Copy of the Defeating Weapons Book ($37 Value)

This book is a perfect compliment to the Defeating Weapons Attacks Course because it examines why all violence (regardless of how it is done and with what tools) is the same. It’s just one person injuring another.

After reading this, you will understand:

Special Bonus: “Nice” Ideas That Get People Killed: Why Combat Sports and Martial Arts Fail On the Streets… And What You Need to Know About Real Self Protection ($37 Value)

I’ve done many interviews and content in almost 30 years of being in the Self-Defense industry.

Recently I was going through my hard drive of previous interviews and content, and I stumbled upon an interview I did in 2008 called “Nice” Ideas That Get People Killed.

This interview explains why most self-defense instructors teach the wrong things regarding having the right mindset when you get into violence.

Here’s what is in this vital report

Save Big When You Buy Today!

I’ve been running promotions more than I ever have because I know this information needs to get in as many hands as possible…

We live in an unprecedented time… I see violence on the news every day, and from the constant talks I have with my friends in law enforcement and special operation units… it’s only going to get worse.

The information presented in Defeating Weapon Attacks Live Webinar is value-priced at $497…


This information is not about the money; this information is about saving as many lives as possible.

So I am offering a drastic reduction of $350 off when you buy today.

Join me on February 15th, 16th, and 17th for the Defeating Weapon Attacks: Live Webinar for only $147!

I urge you to take advantage of this offer while it lasts because you can’t put a price on your life when a violent encounter occurs.

In Summary, Here’s Everything You Get When
You Buy “Defeating Weapon Attacks” Today…

Total Value = $808
Early Registration Price = $147

And you get all of this for a no-brainer price of only $147. SPOTS ARE LIMITED! CLAIM YOUR SPOT TODAY!

There’s No Risk When You Get The
Defeating Weapons Attacks:
Live Webinar Package Today…

Especially like this unstable economy we are in… it’s intimidating to spend money so I want to make sure you have the peace-of-mind with my 365 day, bulletproof, No BS, I take ALL the risk, 100% money back Guarantee…

After viewing this program I want you to have the confidence to say: “I know how to handle myself should violence strike.”

And, while others shorten their guarantees (dropping to 60 or 30 days… some even saying “to hell with you, buy at your own risk, we’re not giving your money back”)… I made my guarantee LONGER.

The last thing you need while learning something new is the pressure of counting down days.

So please take as long as you need to check everything out with a ONE FULL YEAR guarantee. And if you feel you still need more time, email [email protected] to arrange an additional time.

But if for any reason you’re unhappy then just bring it to my attention and I’ll make sure you receive an immediate refund of your entire purchase price and still let you keep the program. trust you to do the right thing with this program, just as I know you trust me. I think that’s the fair thing to do. 

This is more than a guarantee. It’s my personal promise to you!

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
P.S. I applaud you for reading this because most people just run out and buy a gun, thinking it will protect themselves… but you understand that real self-protection starts by training your brain, not by purchasing a tool.
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