“If you value your life and the safety of those you love most, this is how you survive the most critical 5 seconds of your life…


“London Lawyer Survives Vicious Attack By Two Knife-Wielding Street Thugs — But What Happened Next Left Bystanders Shocked And Horrified!”

WARNING: The real life true story you are about to read and the lethal combat fighting system detailed in this letter is graphic...violent...very controversial...and intended for mature adults only!

In fact, Target Focus Training creator Tim Larkin was banned from teaching this material in England… and… from even entering the country, period! However, this information is the only kind of its type. It can truly show you how to survive an extreme “do-or-die” confrontation. Reader discretion is advised!

From: Tim Larkin

Las Vegas, NV


Dear Friend,

Nathan wanted to live.

With the blade 1.5 inches from his neck, the London lawyer was about to make the most critical decision of his life. 

“Hold on. I’ll give you everything…”

He was outnumbered. Two sets of hands pressed him up against a thick tree. The tree bark prickled his back. He felt trapped. Trapped in an area experts would call “safe”.

This should’ve been a normal walk home. 

The route he took was through a nice, well-lit, wide-open park. Someone could’ve seen them from 100 yards away – even at midnight. It was a decent neighborhood. No reason for danger.

But tonight…it wasn’t so.

On his way back from work, two hooded attackers followed him. 

It was too late before he noticed what was going on.

So Nathan used common sense. 

He gave his valuables away in exchange for his life. 

It felt like the right thing to do. He wanted to live. 

He scrambled through his pockets.


The two criminals looked at each other with a slight grin. One snatched the valuables and took a step back. The other shuffled next to him to see their score.


Nathan hunched down and grabbed his throat. He massaged it thinking how close he got. 

He could feel he was in shock. 

“Deep breaths. In, out. In and out.”

When he looked up, his face turned white. 

The two hoodlums revealed long switchblades like a set of fangs then… 

They charged at him in a full sprint!


Nathan sprung up from his sorry state and ran left. 

He ran 50 yards…

…but he couldn’t keep the pace.

His reactions were slow. He heard them breathing heavy behind him. 


Immediately, he felt the weight of his two attackers on his back.

All he could do was let out his final cry…

“But I gave you everything… I gave you EVERYTHING! ...What? What!? WHAT?”

The criminals’ eyes got big. 

The two hoodlums raised their knives and stabbed the lawyer. Repeatedly. 8 times. 

The screams filled up the empty, quiet park. 

If you ask the neighbors, they’ll tell you they still wake up in a cold sweat hearing his screams.

This is truly a tragic story…and unfortunately…an all too increasingly common one.  And that’s why I’m writing to you today.

In this letter, I’m going to show you what you really should do to save your life during a violent encounter. Especially like the one the young lawyer found himself in.  I can assure you it is definitely not surrender or comply! 

So please keep reading to discover THE ULTIMATE SECRET to defeating bigger…faster…stronger attackers with only your bare hands.  This secret is something you can master in hours…and…remember (and recall) for life.

And rest assured, this self-protection training for extreme situations has nothing to do with your: 

… and… absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with years of martial arts training…or difficult movements.  (In fact, it has been real-world proven to work for average Joes (and Janes)…even grandmothers just as well as it has for elite military Spec Op combatives.)

But first, let me tell you a little more about myself. You will understand why you should even listen to me in the first place.

Hi, my name is Tim Larkin.

I’m the creator & founder of Target Focus Training (or TFT for short). 

I’m a former Special Warfare military intelligence officer.  And for more than 25 years I’ve been well-known in the self defense & close-combat training world. Yet to most ordinary folks, I’m “under-the-radar”.  I’ve been the behind-the-scenes trainer when it’s “kill-or-be-killed” to elite operations such as…the U.S. Navy SEALs…Army Special Forces and federal law enforcement agencies like the FBI…U.S. Marshals…U.S. Border Patrol and Homeland Security.

During this time, I’ve also trained over 10,000 corporate, civilian and celebrity clientele in cities around the world, in 52 countries! 

Places like New York…Las Vegas…London (when I could…) and others using a combination of live training sessions and DVDs.  

And, I’ve been endorsed by such notables as Tony Robbins and Glenn Beck:

Target Focus Training has been discussed by prestigious journalists… from ABC News, CBS News, the U.K.’s BBC, “Good Morning America” and even Katie Couric’s show “Katie”.  

TFT has also been featured in publications such as the Financial Times of London…The Daily Mail…The Guardian, Forbes…and many, many more.

Black Belt Magazine has featured me (and my training methods) many times over the years—including multiple covers—and a few years back they named me…

Black Belt Magazine’s
Self-Defense Instructor of the Year...
And Inducted Into The Black Belt Hall Of Fame

(NOTE: Much to my dismay, that was the same year the U.K. Home Secretary banned me from teaching TFT to people in the UK.

Yep! My methods are banned in the UK…in fact, I can’t enter the country, period! 

It’s the equivalent of our Secretary of State making that decision here in the U.S. 

She didn’t like my stand on a citizen’s right to defend themselves from imminent violence.

I’m a New York Times best-selling author and my books, When Violence Is The AnswerSurvive The Unthinkable: A Total Guide To Women’s Self-Protection… and…How To Survive The Most Critical 5 Seconds Of Your Life sold 100’s of thousands of copies and are translated into 7 different languages

As a public speaker, I’ve spoken to CEO’s…government officials…and business leaders in over 40 countries. They now know on how to use the TFT principles of surviving life-or-death violence – all in the less life-threatening environment of business.  Most recently, I delivered a TEDx talk with the subject title, The Paradox of Violence, as well as being invited to Google to present my Google Talk,The Currency Of Violence

But enough about me.  Like I said, the only reason I’m telling you all of this is to establish my credentials…so…you will grant me a few minutes of your time to deliver what I believe will be…one of the most important messages you will ever read!

Ready?  Then let’s get going with a simple, but fair question that almost everyone always wants to know first:

What Makes Target Focus Training So Effective And Different From Other Training Systems?

IT IS THIS: Target Focus Training is the only program in existence that covers the entire self-protection spectrum: from awareness/avoidance…to instinctively responding…to unexpected life-or-death violence…including knowing…

How To Kill Your Attacker… If That’s What It Takes To Save Your Own Life!

Too extreme?  Not when you realize today’s random street violence is far worse than most people imagine.

Listen, it’s often easiest to explain why TFT is so effective where other programs fail — by looking at what TFT is not:

FIRST: It is NOT a run-of-the-mill self-defense class, martial art or some type of combat sport.  These keep you safe behind the competitive protection of a ring, a set of rules and a referee to enforce them.  

In fact, out of the 31 rules in Mixed Martial Arts competition…27 are designed to keep the fighters from inflicting real, debilitating injuries (which is exactly what TFT teaches you how to do to an attacker or attackers).


SECOND: It is NOT about punching…kicking…or learning how to fight…because…none of that guarantees you’ll survive unexpected violence.  Therefore, it’s got nothing to do with your athleticism…size…strength…speed…stamina…age or gender.

Instead, TFT is based on scientific principles that work against random violence. You won’t waste time on useless memorized techniques.  

In fact, one of my favorite quotes by Ralph Waldo Emerson reads…

“As to methods, there may be a million and then some, but principles are few.

The man who grasps principles can successfully select his own methods.”

And that’s what the TFT Principles Allow You To Do… 

Select Your Own Methods According to the
Violent Encounter You Are In!

It’s the only thing that makes sense in the randomness of violence. 

Face it, asocial criminals don’t line up and cooperate with you so you can execute “X” technique on them.  So, you must be able to react—automatically and instantaneously—from any and every position you may find yourself in… and… cause non-functional injury as quickly as possible.

TFT is the only system that can show you how to do that.

TFT is built from the ground up to utilize the most important weapon you posses — YOUR BRAIN.  Because surviving a violent encounter requires not only the knowledge of what to do… but also…the will to do it. 

Both are controlled by the brain.

And, like learning to ride a bike or swim…once you’re shown these simple, easy-to-learn attack-ending principles…you will NEVER forget them.  And in the process you will gain a true life-skill…one that enables you to become your own “first-responder”… and… should the worst ever occur…be the one who survives and gets to go home.

BIG PROMISES?  You bet.  But I’ve been backing them up with real-world, proven results for more than two decades… and…I’m going to keep doing so by letting you…

Try Out Target Focus Training RISK-FREE... For An Entire Year!

Here are the details:

Many years ago we released our flagship training program called: How To Survive The Most Critical 5 Seconds Of Your Life.  At that time, it consisted of a compilation of video footage from three of our 2 1/2 day live training classes.

We’ve sold an untold number of these over the years. The response and real-world results have been overwhelmingly positive.  However, recently, we knew we needed to update the program for two reasons:

UPDATE REASON #1:  Technology.  Put simply, technology has improved vastly.  We are now able to do things—like multiple angles and super-slow motion—much more easily.  And this improves the speed at which you are able to learn and retain TFT principles.  Also—and I’m going to describe this below—this newer technology has allowed us to add a completely new “in studio” section to the course.

UPDATE REASON #2:  Although the principles of TFT have not changed, our training methodology and terminology has.  That is, we’ve simply become better…faster…and more efficient at teaching these principles.

Here’s why:

Over the years, with the help of our instructors (there are now roughly 50 of them), I’ve continually worked to further develop…hone…and refine the initial TFT live training weekend course.

I’ve done this with one goal in mind: Making you better than we were at that point after you go through either the live training… or… the at-home version.

And I did this by asking them to give me their experience. Their most thoughtful, experience-based answers to these…

Life-Or-Death Questions…

Life Or Death Question #1:  A loved one is going to face a violent encounter on Monday morning.  There will be more than one person.  They will be bigger, faster, stronger… and… have weapons.  You can’t be there.  What would you teach them in two days?

Life Or Death Question #2: What could you show them that requires no additional coordination…no additional learning…and is purely results-orientated?

Life Or Death Question #3:  What is effective when it comes to violence…or…what are the default principles that always work in violence?

The result of all this deep thought, pondering and progressive thinking—thousands upon thousands of hour’s worth—by me and all our top-tier instructors?

First of all, we’ve shaved a 1/2 day off the live training sessions.  We can now train people to become even more proficient and get results much, much faster.

And secondly, we definitely achieved my main goal.  That is, when someone comes to a live training or goes through the at-home version…they are far better than we were at that point in our training… and…more equipped to survive a violent encounter using the TFT principles.

I’m proud of this accomplishment (for your sake, not mine) and I’m proud to introduce the finest evolution of Target Focus Training to date…

TFT Foundation One... “Unarmed Self-Defense For Extreme Situations”

This is, like I said, the finest evolution of what has been called:

“the most devastatingly-powerful, scientifically-proven self-defense system in the world today”. 

I—along with my Master Instructors—will show you simply…with plain English and crystal clear instruction…how to quickly stop any attacker dead in his tracks by inflicting crippling pain…to easily-damaged body parts…

… body parts that can’t be strengthened and are equally vulnerable, even on the biggest of brutes.

You’ll learn to do this by using simple, intuitive movements. You’ll recall these instantaneously and automatically…and do so… even if… you’re non-athletic…small or out-of-shape.

Here is what’s including in the package:

For the first time we’ve uniquely broken this product into 6 distinct modules.

These 6 modules are the actual “Live Class” video. You’re right there on the mats to watch detailed training interaction of instructors with the class — TFT’s proprietary  approach to “Target Assembly” and “Free Practice,” live Q&A, what works & doesn’t, instructor correction of the participants, and much more.  

Other times, you’re a fly-on-the-wall, listening to “…explanations that would benefit a trauma specialist…” as Mark Cheng, Columnist and Contributing Editor for Black Belt Magazine and Director/Sifu for the Chung Hua Institute in Los Angeles noted after attending a live TFT class.

Here’s a description of each “Live Class” modules and some, just some of the tips, tricks, secrets and fight-ending TFT methods you’ll discover:

Module 1

The Mechanical Facts Of Violence

Introduction by Tim Larkin, TFT Creator and Founder

Module 2 | Session 1
Target Assembly — Eyes

Module 2 | Session 3
Target Assembly — Groin

Module 2 | Session 4
Target Assembly — Ankle

Module 3 | Session 1
Free Practice & Additional Target Assembly

Module 3 | Session 2
Additional Target Assembly
Solar Plexus

Module 3 | Session 3
Target Assembly — Knee

Module 3 | Session 4
Target Assembly
— Lower Margin Of Rib Cage

Module 4 | Session 1
Fine-Tuning Your Free Practice

Module 4 | Session 2
It’s Not Magic

Module 4 | Session 3
We Live In A Physical World

Module 4 | Session 4
Maximize The Physics...Minimize The Physiology

Module 4 | Session 5
Perfect Practice

Module 4 | Session 6
The Brain Can Only Go Where It’s Been Before

Module 5 | Session 1
Tools — Knife, Baton & Firearms

Module 5 | Session 2
Knife Demo: The Coin-Flip Of Violence

Module 5 | Session 3

Module 5 | Session 4

Module 6 | Session 1
Multi-man and Grabs, Holds & Chokes

Module 6 | Session 2
Grabs, Holds & Chokes Part 2

Module 6 | Session 3
Closing Comments

Pretty amazing stuff, don’t you agree?

While nothing matches the interaction of live training…in many ways this new video training is actually better (and it’s why all live class attendees will want a copy of this as a reference after attending a class).  How?  Because…

With the digital trainings you can go at your own pace…and…watch any parts over to catch the finer points that sometimes can slip by “live”.  And…

Anytime you feel like you might need a quick refresher of the TFT principles, you can go through the digital training again.

 Having this instruction is, like one female student said…

“… simply excellent & affordable life insurance.”

By now, if you’d stayed with me this far, I’m sure the question you have for me is…

How Much is the Investment?

Before I tell you, and I promise we’ve done our best—to keep the investment in range of as many people as possible…let’s consider the bare minimum it would cost you to get this training information from a “Live Class” (which, by the way, is the only other way you can get it):

Tuition for "Live Class" Training $2497
Round-trip Travel $500
Meals and Lodging (3 days) $600
Rental car, misc other $200
Time away from work ???
Time away from family ???
Total it would cost you to attend a “Live Class” $3797+
Tuition for “Live Class” Trainin…..$2497
Round-Trip Travel………………………$500
Meals And Lodging (3 Days)………$600
Rental Car and Misc…………………..$200
Time away from work………………..???
Time away from family………………???

Total it would cost you to attend a “Live Class”…..$3797+

And you STILL don’t begin to see all you’re getting here…for a tiny fraction of this amount…And there’s more: 

4 Powerful Bonuses to Supercharge the Results You Get with“The Foundation Series”

If you order The Foundation Series right away, I’m going to include these 4 free bonuses…

FREE BONUS #1: The TFT Strike Chart Wall Poster PDF

Value: $25

This 2′ x 3′ 300dpi PDF is a high quality printable poster (take it to UPS Store, or Fedex Kinkos, for example)  master target list identifies the 73 weak areas of the body. You can strike and exploit these to your ultimate advantage

Many members print this out heavyweight poster material with a high-gloss finish and then laminate it to hang on their wall…

FREE BONUS #2: TFT Source Book

Value: $59

THE comprehensive self-defense reference “bible”. It shows you everything you need to know about Target Focus Training and how to execute it… in written format.

It begins with what true violence really is…then lays out the entire case why using violence IS the only way to defend yourself against it! After that…it takes you step-by-step through the complete set of integrated self-defense tools…helping you internalize the process…

Leaving You Instantly Able To Call On
Any Of Them Should It Ever Be Required!

This Source Book is more a reference manual that lets you dig deeply into the “how” and “why”. The information gives you such an advantage over an unsuspecting criminal… even if… you don’t possess unusual skills or athletic ability. Inside its pages you’ll discover…
This is truly a must-have for anyone serious about “internalizing” TFT self-defense principles. The principles remain immediately available…on-call…without conscious thinking.

FREE BONUS #3: The TFT Manifesto: Origins And Intentions

Value: $49

Here, for the first time ever, I tell my unedited personal story of how TFT got started. From my SEAL training days (where I was medically-discharged due to a diving accident) to becoming an intelligence officer… and then… training SEAL teams in hand-to-hand combat. Plus many, many more details—previously unrevealed—all the way up to today.

And…at the end…I give you the purest explanation possible of TFT’s 2 overriding principles. Plus, the 3 methodologies that support them.

This is a must-read for every practitioner of TFT and has never been available before!

FREE BONUS #4: $250 Off ANY Live Event in 2022!

Value: $250!

Think about it…If your goal is to eventually make it to a live event in the near future, you are actually going to get MORE than the $197 you spend today in the form of a $250 Coupon. This discount is good for ANY Human Weapon Project (HWP1) Training in the next year!

You just can’t beat that value. This is how important I think learning this information is in the coming months.

With this additional bonus discount, you REALLY have NOTHING to lose! 

These Bonuses Are Worth $383…but Today...They’re Yours With Your Purchase!

Now, about the investment…

The Foundation Series should cost $497.00 because I spent tens of thousands of dollars…and thousands of man-hours…on the production of this program. 

Plus attending live training would cost you well over $3,000 (and that’s conservative)…so $497 is a no-brainer price.

However, I’m offering you an initial run at a discounted price…

I’m doing this for a couple of reasons…

Reason #1: I recently moved into a new facility here in Las Vegas. So, because I want to start this new chapter right…and because The Foundation Series is one of the first programs people buy before they get “fully immersed” in our world…

We want to reward you with OVER a $300 discount on this new program… I’m betting that you’ll love this program so much, you’ll come back for more TFT products later…

Reason #2: We want to reward you for personally evaluating Target Focus Training…and giving it an honest, risk-free try.

SO, if you act fast…you can get yours for the ultimate discounted price of…

Just one payment $197.00… 

Today it's yours for ONLY $197!

Hit the Add To Cart Button, and pay only $197 for Foundation One right now:

AND… you can try it out, almost for free if you like, with…

Look, if you were skeptical as you began reading, that’s understandable. Others were too. All I’m asking is that you suspend your disbelief. At least until you’ve had a chance to personally evaluate The Foundation Series.

I recently taught a week-long seminar to a group of people in the top 1% for the financial space. I’ve taught at this specific event for over 10 years, so I had a general idea of what to expect…

Yet…this year was different from any other.

I listened to the opening presentation, and the message is usually very positive and uplifting…

But for the first time in 10 years..the opening message was all about how we’re entering dark times…

Instead of some motivational speech from the host…I felt as if I was attending a prepper convention. He encouraged his attendees to have things like…

A backup generator for any property…food storage…their own water source…a compound outside of major cities to retreat to…

And he emphasized that they MUST know how to defend themselves from any attacker…

If you had told me 2 years ago that these themes would be seriously talked about at this specific event…

With these types of people attending it…I would think you were crazy!

Yet this is exactly what happened… I never trained a group of this caliber who took every word I said so seriously…You could hear a pin drop because they wanted to make sure they absorbed everything myself and my team taught.

It was one of the most focused groups I’ve ever trained…

So why am I sharing this with you?

Because this was an event people pay A LOT of money to go to…and the entire theme was preparing for the dark times to come.

These aren’t normal people…these are top 1%.

And if they are preparing…shouldn’t you?

There’s never been a time more important than NOW to know exactly how to protect yourself and your family from any violent attack…

If you are serious about being ready for what’s coming…

Now is your one chance to never again live in fear… to take back control of your life… and… not hand it over to some violent, asocial, criminal thug! And it’s all within your grasp right now.

You don’t risk a dime if it’s not exactly what I say it is. My 365-Day, 100% Money-Back Guarantee is your safety net… just go for it!

Tim Larkin

Creator & Founder of Target Focus Training

P.S. You better hurry if you want the $300 discount and the additional free bonuses… because… once we’re done launching the new facility…the price goes up to $797.00 and the bonuses (valued at $122.97) will go away!

P.P.S. At the discounted price…the cost of this program works out to just $0.53 a day over a year. That’s far cheaper than your average daily “fix” at Starbucks. And I promise you this will benefit you (both physically and mentally) far more than any over-caffeinated, sugar and calorie-bloated, coffee drink.

P.P.P.S. And remember, if at any time (within 365 days of getting the program) you don’t feel like what I’ve said here is true or it’s simply not for you—for any reason, or no reason at all—send it back for a full refund. There really is nothing to lose. There’s no excuse for skipping this life-saving information… so order now!

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